lunedì 29 febbraio 2016


From Neoss web site:

"Система Neoss PenguinRFA была создана группой инженеров и экспертов в области зубной имплантации. По словам директора компании, решающими факторами разработки эффективного прибора стали обширный опыт команды и работа с зарубежными специалистами.
Система включает в себя портативное устройство и съемный измеритель многоразового использования MulTipeg. Устройство замеряет частоту резонанса съемной детали, на основе которых делает заключение об устойчивости имплантата. Также в комплект входит зарядка и направляющая, позволяющая правильно расположить измеритель MulTipeg около имплантата.
«В области зубной имплантации решающую роль играют высокие ожидания пациентов и новые регламенты, требующие определять устойчивость имплантата согласно разработанной шкале. Поэтому если в ходе установки имплантат не был приведен в оптимальное положение, это может привести к недостаточной стабильности и повысить риск неудачной установки. В 2001 году в стоматологии начал применятся резонансно-частотный анализ и определяться коэффициент стабильности имплантата. На данный момент это два известных метода определения устойчивости и остеоинтеграции имплантата», - утверждает технический директор компании Neoss Фредрик Энгман.

«Сегодня компания Neoss при поддержке Integration Diagnostics представили устройство Neoss PenguinRFA, разработанное согласно концепции «простоты использования». Врачу не составит труда определить устойчивость имплантата, кроме того, новый прибор позволяет измерить коэффициент стабильности имплантата (RFA), согласно шкале от 1 до 99», - говорит финансовый директор компании Гай Ливер."


From Neoss website:

"Neoss Limited, a UK based, global dental implant company, have announced the launch of the Neoss PenguinRFA instrument for measuring implant stability.

Neoss Limited, a UK based, global dental implant company, have announced the launch of the Neoss
PenguinRFAinstrument for measuring implant stability.
Fredrik Engman, Neoss CTO, commented “In implant dentistry, patient expectations and an evolving
range of indications places high demands on the clinical team, so if conditions are not optimal, poor
primary stability may increase the risk of implant failure. Resonance Frequency Analysis (RFA) and the
Implant Stability Quotient (ISQ) were introduced into the dental implant industry in 2001 and are now
established methods of measuring implant stability and osseointegration.”
Guy Leaver, Neoss CFO, added “Neoss in partnership with Integration Diagnostics, has today launched
the Neoss PenguinRFA, and in keeping with Neoss’ philosophy of ‘Intelligent Simplicity’ the Penguin is
easy and quick to use, offering a consistently reliable measurement of implant stability at a completely
different value proposition. This finally enables clinical use of the RFA technique in daily practice.”
The Neoss PenguinRFAsystem is the result of research and development by a dedicated team of dental
implant experts and engineers. Their experience, expertise and close relations with specialists across the
world has been instrumental in creating a product that offers new levels of clinical excellence.
Fredrik Engman, Neoss CTO, commented “In implant dentistry, patient expectations and an evolving range of indications places high demands on the clinical team, so if conditions are not optimal, poor primary stability may increase the risk of implant failure. Resonance Frequency Analysis (RFA) and the Implant Stability Quotient (ISQ) were introduced into the dental implant industry in 2001 and are now established methods of measuring implant stability and osseointegration.”
Guy Leaver, Neoss CFO, added “Neoss in partnership with Integration Diagnostics, has today launched the Neoss PenguinRFA, and in keeping with Neoss’ philosophy of ‘Intelligent Simplicity’ the Penguin is easy and quick to use, offering a consistently reliable measurement of implant stability at a completely different value proposition. This finally enables clinical use of the RFA technique in daily practice.”
The Neoss PenguinRFA system is the result of research and development by a dedicated team of dental implant experts and engineers. Their experience, expertise and close relations with specialists across the world has been instrumental in creating a product that offers new levels of clinical excellence.
The Neoss PenguinRFA system measures the resonance frequency of the MulTipeg™, which corresponds to the stability of the implant. The measurement scale is from 1 to 99 ISQ (Implant Stability Quotient). The ISQ value correlates strongly to the micro mobility of the implant, which in turn depends on bone quality and osseointegration.
The Neoss PenguinRFA system consists of a hand-held instrument and a reusable MulTipeg™. A charger is delivered together with the instrument as well as a driver for attaching the MulTipeg™ to the implant.

It offers treatment guidance and predictability and is an easy-to-use and affordable solution for all clinicians working with implants.
• Hand-held instrument with single key operation

• Long-lasting rechargeable batteries
• Reusable and autoclavable MulTipeg™ in titanium
• Reusable and autoclavable MulTipeg™ Driver in stainless steel

Contact your local representative to find out more and for availability."

domenica 28 febbraio 2016


ADA Oral Pathologist is a chair-side reference to oral pathology conditions that can assist dentists with formulating diagnoses. Dr. Michael Kahn, chairman and tenured professor of the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology at Tufts University School of Dental Medicine, wrote and developed content for the app. Conditions can be searched by name or by entering clinical observations. ADA Oral Pathologist is a reference you can use every day, with photos and descriptions of the most common oral pathology conditions seen in your patients. Search over 200 conditions.

Available for iPhones and iPads. Order, then complete your download from the iTunes Marketplace.



J Glob Infect Dis. 2010 Jan-Apr; 2(1): 57–62.


Departments of Periodontology & Oral Implantology, Rural Dental College, Maharashtra, India
1Department of Microbiology, Rural Medical College, Loni, Maharashtra, India
2Department of Prosthodontics, Rural Dental College, Loni, Maharashtra, India
Departments of Periodontology & Oral Implantology, Rural Dental College, Maharashtra, India
1Department of Microbiology, Rural Medical College, Loni, Maharashtra, India
2Department of Prosthodontics, Rural Dental College, Loni, Maharashtra, India

Address for correspondence: Dr. Rajiv Saini, E-mail: ni.oc.oohay@tsitnodoireprd

Oral sex is commonly practiced by sexually active male-female and same-gender couples of various ages, including adolescents. The various type of oral sex practices are fellatio, cunnilingus and analingus. Oral sex is infrequently examined in research on adolescents; oral sex can transmit oral, respiratory, and genital pathogens. Oral health has a direct impact on the transmission of infection; a cut in your mouth, bleeding gums, lip sores or broken skin increases chances of infection. Although oral sex is considered a low risk activity, it is important to use protection and safer sex precautions. There are various methods of preventing infection during oral sex such as physical barriers, health and medical issues, ethical issues and oral hygiene and dental issues. The lesions or unhealthy periodontal status of oral cavity accelerates the phenomenon of transmission of infections into the circulation. Thus consequences of unhealthy or painful oral cavity are significant and oral health should be given paramount importance for the practice of oral sex.
Keywords: Oral Sex, Oral Health, Orogenital


web site

Year : 2009  |  Volume : 12  |  Issue : 1  |  Page : 17-21
1 Departments of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, KLE Society's Institute of Dental Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka-22, India
2 Departments of Oral Medicine and Radiology, KLE Society's Institute of Dental Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka-22, India



To determine the anti-carious effect of coffee in humans. Coffee represents one of the most consumed products by the population.

Materials and Methods:

A random sample of 1000 individuals, of both sexes, who consumed only coffee as a beverage and who visited the Out-Patient Department of KLE Society's Institute of Dental Sciences, with a dental complaint and no history of any major illness, were considered as subjects. The patients' histories with regard to the coffee intake, such as, period of consumption, frequency of consumption, whether taken with milk or wihout milk, with sugar or without sugar, and the brand make, was noted. History of the type of diet, consumption of sweets, periodicity of brushing, and whether they had undergone fluoride applications were also noted. A thousand patients who consumed beverages other than coffee were taken as the control.


The results showed that coffee most consumed was roasted coffee, and the frequency on an average was about three cups per day, for an average period of 35 years. The Decayed/Missing/Filled Surface (DMFS) scores varied from 2.9, in subjects who drank black coffee, to 5.5 in subjects who consumed coffee together with sweeteners and creaming agents. The DMFS score was 3.4 in subjects who consumed coffee together with milk but no sugar. The DMFS score of the control subjects was 4, indicating that coffee if consumed alone had anticaries action, but in the presence of additives the antibacterial and anticaries action was totally minimized.


Thus coffee can help in prevention of dental caries if consumed without additives.
Keywords: Caries, coffee, DMFS score, milk, sugar, Streptococcus mutans

venerdì 26 febbraio 2016


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by Dental Tribune International
" A number of studies have demonstrated that breastfeeding has long-lasting health effects throughout life, including dental development and susceptibility to oral diseases. Now, research conducted at the University of Adelaide has provided new evidence that breastfeeding may protect against malocclusions in children.
The study considered breastfeeding and orthodontic data on 1,303 5-year-old children in order to assess whether exclusive breastfeeding offers a protective effect against primary dentition malocclusions. "

mercoledì 24 febbraio 2016


By Daniele Tonlorenzi

Posted on : 24-02-2016 | By : Daniele | In : News Dalla Scienza


"Una rivista prestigiosa racconta di un esperimento eseguito su 17 soggetti sottoposti ad esercizi di aritmetica da eseguire entro un limite di tempo di 20 minuti in modo da ottenere lo stress (stress di carico).
Dopo lo stress (da esercizi algebrici) i soggetti sono stati invitati una prima volta a masticare chewingum per 10 minuti. Successivamente dopo il medesimo stress da carico i soggetti sono stati invitati ad alternare serramento leggero di cinque secondi alternato a rilassamento per 5 sec, il tutto per tre minuti.
In entrambi gli esperimenti sono stati misurati i livelli di cortisolo salivare prima e dopo la masticazione del chewingum e anche quando i soggetti facevano seguire periodi di 5 secondi serrando lievemente i denti intervallati da momenti di relax di 5 secondi.
In entrambe le condizioni i livelli di cortisolo sono significativamente ridotti . Io faccio provare a serrare i denti sullo Spring Device con basette. I risultati serrando i denti con i muscoli allungati sono ancora più significativi." 
Per maggiori informazioni contattare
Tahara Y, Sakurai K, Ando T. Influence of chewing and clenching on salivary cortisol levels as an indicator of stress. J Prosthodont. 2007


1. Foreword
In recent years, in dental hand instruments field we have observed a lack of novelty useful for the dentist and his team. Some geometrical change of the working tips, variants to the geometries of the handles, use of different material of construction, some variations in the form and retention of the handles but nothing more.

2. Simplicity and effectiveness
Crisis, decline in marked demand, manufacturing costs: many factors have contributed not to push big news.

An Italian company presented a hadle that brakes the mold of existing ones. With an eye to the safety of the dentist, assistant and hygenist, has realized a handle longer than the existing ones on the market today.

Tradizionally the handles of the instruments that put at risk the operator cuts and punctures like scalers, curettes, probes are 100-105 mm length. In rare case 110 mm length. This new handle is about 115 mm length considering the external steel parts, on which the ends are fixed.

3. Characteristics
The design is not limited to a longer handle: the handle is made of a plastic material which doesn’t contain toxic component recently banned such as the parabens, but doesn’t contain even PVC, phtalates and many other toxic components.

Not only that, the tips are inserted in steel inserts which are co-moulded in the plastic material but without being totally drowned. Part of them emerge sas to allow a perfect cleaning and sterilization of the instrument.

Diagram summarizes the characteristics:

The criterion of assembly of the tips is innovative, too. The handle contains no metal ensuring the typical lightness and manageability of plastic instruments. The socket is favored by a diameter of 10.5 mm.

These three huge advantages have been obtained simply by lenghtening the handle and reviewing the criteria for entering tips as a simple operation but up to now no one had ever put into practice.

Even those who use sterilization boxes can use the longer instruments with no problem by putting them in the longer side or, just at the time of repurchase, buying boxes suitable for such use, for example the ones that Hu-Friedy manufactures since a lot.

4.Where to find them?
In Italy there are two companies that joined this project: QUASAR DENTAL EQUPMENT from Legnano (MI) already known for the best quality of rubber polishers and for its silicon universal base called Nest and Den-Tag from Maniago (PN) already known for its very good quality and range of dental instruments.

There instruments can be purchased from dental deposits or you can simply contact the above mentioned manufacturers to learn about the place of purchase and prices.

Instruments with split ends may injure the operator’s hand or brake the glove (with the opposite tips of the working one). The possibility of injury is during use, handling or passing the instrument between Assistant-Dentist-Assistant.

As an additional preventive action Today the dentist can choose an instrument with a longer handle instead of a “traditional lenght” one.

Related articles> Click here

lunedì 22 febbraio 2016


Author: Dr. Les Kalman

"The Virtual Facebow has been developed as an open-source tablet app that provides an alternative to the conventional facebow for the mounting of casts to an articulator. The Virtual Facebow implements several design features to prevent and minimize errors, provide accurate mounting and reinforce the anatomical considerations associated with articulators. The Virtual Facebow is an effective, efficient and accessible digital companion to dental implant diagnoses and treatment planning. To support proper mounting of patient casts, a face bow, which aligns the maxilla to relative facial planes, can be utilized. Errors in the utilization of the facebow, or complete lack thereof, create critical errors in diag noses and treatment planning that become magnified in the design and delivery of implant prosthetics.
The Virtual Facebow has been developed as a digital substitute to the analogue facebow to address the shortcomings."

venerdì 19 febbraio 2016


Daniele Tonlorenzi – Luca Martinelli

(summary information)

Publication nr. 50 – 07th August 2014


During a race or workout the athlete is subdued to a psycho-physical stress, which  encreases
-                     Heartbeat pulsation;
-                     Blood pressure;
-                     Muscle tone;
-                     Mental effort.

Only at the end of performance (race or workout) the heart and pressure parameters bring back to pre-stress values; this is possible thanks to recovery.
When the recovery is not optimal, the fatigue remains; the athlete feels an agility and reflex reduction, could have muscle contractures with possible muscle-tendon complications (Ex. Pubalgie) and/or osseous complications (Ex. Microfratture), performance capacity reduction as well.
In those conditions the subject exposes himself to a high risk of sport accident.

In order to enhance the performances, every sport has got its own training method, its own lenght of time, places. Surely all the sports have in common one thing: the need for relaxation to obtain the best refreshment.

To encrease the performance, therefore, a path to take with the confidence to have good results is surely to obtain a heartbeat pulsation, blood pressure, muscle tone and mental effort recovery as much as possible.
Studies and tests have dimonstrated that the mandibular stretching activity, never used up to now in sport, takes advantages as actual as unexpected.

If with our mind we recollect many sport images, we could immediately remember how the athlets, in the maximum of their performance, grit their teeth: they close them in a spasmodic way.

This is not only a personal attitude: gritting the teeth for one minute permits the body to reinforce the stress mechanisms and to encrease the medium arteria blood pressure of  5,5 mm hg. (

This fact gives the athlet to express at his best the sport performance.

The open mouth pleasant yawn image is likewise clear and as much as the tightened mouth is associated to the stress, the open mouth which yawns is associated to relax concept.

This study has been presented into the sperimental thesis work of COPPI, ERIKA Study of trigeminal-cardiac reflex in the arteria blood pressure and hearthbeat pulsation control (

This has been done with sperimental prototype of medical device called Spring device and has been published (

Watching this image is perceived that the mandibular stretching is an action mechanism that can already found in nature without either realizing.

For the mandibular stretching studies and tests has been used the ”Spring Device” (Image 1 and 2), a device that permits to do a mandibular extention in association with masticatory movements, in practice a mandibular stretching activity. Tests have demonstrated that the use of this device, otherwise the mandibulary stretching activity, permits a heartbeat pulsation and blood pressure decrease (in the human being) and that it ecreases the quantity of blood that flows into the brain (in the vertebrate). It is afterwards conceivable that this activiy can even favour the mental recovery work, which is fundamentally important in the sport performance.

                                  Foto 1                                                                        Foto 2            

                       Medical device “Spring Device”                            The “Spring Device” into the tester mouth

Latest studies have proved that the use of dinamic mandibular stretching permits the body the quickly recovery of the physiological parameters that the athlet has got before performance.

The use of medical device “Spring Device” permits to do the mandibular stretching and so permits the athlets to recovery quickly.

The “Spring Device” acts through totally natural mechanisms, therefore it is not considered sport doping in any way. 


Journal of the American Dental Association 1978 Jul;97(1):54-7.
Preliminary study of changes in blood pressure associated with clenching in normotensive and hypertensive subjects.

Archivies Italiennes the Biologie 2012 Dec;150(4):231-7. doi: 10.4449/aib.v150i4.1420.
Prolonged hypotensive and bradycardic effects of passive mandibular extension: evidence in normal volunteers.

COPPI, ERIKA Studio del riflesso trigemino-cardiaco nel controllo della pressione arteriosa e della frequenza cardiaca Tesi di Laurea Specialistica - Universita’ di Pisa – URN etd-04072010-114646 – 2010 AA 2008/2009

Se l’atleta è più rilassato migliorano le performance? Si può rispondere misurando? – Tonlorenzi  D, D’angelo M, Ravera F, Traina G, Brunelli M - oppure

Analisi delle modificazioni prestazionali indotte dall’uso dello Spring Device su ciclisti di alto livello. Un esperimento – Ravera F

Archivies Italiennes the Biologie  2013 Mar;151(1):11-23. doi: 10.4449/aib.v151i1.1470.
Persistent effects after trigeminal nerve proprioceptive stimulation by mandibular extension on rat blood pressure, heart rate and pial microcirculation.

MARIO D’ANGELO Influenza dello stretching mandibolare in atleti sottoposti ad allenamento
ad alta intensita’
 Tesi di Laurea Specialistica – Università degli studi di Perugia AA 2012/2013

MASSIMO CONTI Effetti dell’attivazione propriocettiva del nervo trigemino
sul microcircolo piale del ratto 
Tesi di Laurea – Università degli studi di Pisa AA 2009/2010.

Convegno nazionale Montecatini Terme - Italy - 4-5 Ottobre 2013 - (6 Crediti Formativi ECM)

-Prof. M. BRUNELLI Fisiologia del sistema trigeminale: Vie trigeminali (propriocettiva e via esterocettiva) Controllo della postura mandibolare. Memoria e apparato stomatognatico concetti pratici;
-Prof. U. BONUCCELLI  Il dolore facciale “tipico e atipico”;
-Prof. U. COVANI  Anatomia dell’articolazione temporomandibolare;
-Prof. M. D’ATTILIO Malocclusione disordine temporomandibolareLinee guida, diagnosi, management;
-Sig. S. ZANFRINI Misuriamo ciò che facciamo in odontoiatria;
-Dott. D. TONLORENZI La dimensione verticale e la gestione dello stress;
-Dott. S. GHIONE Effetti dello stretching mandibolare nel controllo dei parametri cardiaci nell’uomo;
-Dott.ssa R. SCURI Effetti della stimolazione propriocettiva del nervo trigemino attraverso estensione mandibolare sul microcircolo piale del ratto;
-Dott. D. TONLORENZI Il riflesso trigeminocardiaco: un grave pericolo o un prezioso alleato per il dentista?;
-Dott. D. TONLORENZI Come “costruire” un bite in allungamento muscolare;
-Prof. G. GALANTI Ruolo del controllo nervoso autonomo nell’attività sportiva;
-Prof. M. BRUNELLI Fisiologia della postura e del movimento;
-Prof. U. BONUCCELLI Patologia del movimento;
-S. ZANFRINI Sistemi di misurazione posturale;
-Prof. M. MARELLA Ruolo del movimento nella prevenzione vascolare.

XXVII Congresso nazionale Società italiana dell’ipertensione arteriosa – Lega italiana cpontro l’ipertensione arteriosa – Roma – 30 Settembre – 3 Ottobre 2010 – Atti, pp. 122 – 122. Giornale della Società Italiana dell’Ipertensione Arteriosa, 2010.
Effetto ipotensivo e bradicardizzante prolungato dello stiramento mandibolare: evidenza nel soggetto volontario.
S. Ghione, C. Del Seppia, E. Coppo, D. Tonlorenzi, M. Brunelli, R. Scuri (Pisa).

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Trigeminocardiac Reflex by Mandibular Extension on Rat Pial Microcirculation: Role of Nitric Oxide
Dominga Lapi, Giuseppe Federighi, M. Paola Fantozzi, Cristina del Seppia, Sergio Ghione, Antonio Colantuoni, Rossana Scuri.

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